Our Service Prices

We are always on the lookout for dynamic, growth-oriented
individuals willing to step out of their comfort zone and perform
beyond the ordinary.

Pickup from Dhaka Metropolitan City & Delivery- Narayanganj, Gazipur, Keranignaj, Savar

Delivery Time Upto 1 KG 1 KG to 2 KG 2 KG to 3 KG
48 Hours BDT 100 BDT 125 BDT 180
  • 1% COD charge will be applicable
  • This price/plan is exclusive of any VAT/TAX.
  • For weight more than 2KG, additional 25TK/Per KG will be applicable.

Inside Dhaka & Suburbs to Outside Dhaka Delivery & Vice Versa

Delivery Time Upto 1 KG 1 KG to 2 KG 2 KG to 3 KG
24 Hours BDT 55 BDT 80 BDT 105
  • 1% COD charge on the price of the product.
  • This price/plan is exclusive of any VAT/TAX.
  • For weight more than 2KG, additional 25TK/Per KG (INTER CITY) will be applicable.

Outside Dhaka to Outside Dhaka Delivery (Pickup & Delivery Different City)

Delivery Time Upto 1KG 1 KG to 2 KG 2 KG to 3 KG
72 Hours BDT 130 BDT 155 BDT 180
  • 1% COD charge will be applicable
  • For weight more than 2KG, additional 25TK/Per KG will be applicable
  • This price/plan is exclusive of any VAT/TAX.

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